Quality Guarantee
Every day we make several thousands of bouquets and deliver them to all around the world. We are sincerely happy when we can bring to the clients of the company “QFlora Bouquet” joy and happiness, and we are really upset when our clients are, for some reason, upset with our service. We believe, that a client shall be sure, that he is protected whenever he addresses to our company, that is why we have the following purchaser guarantees:
- -We use for the bouquets only the freshest and the most beautiful flowers, we will replace a bouquet if bouquet was not fresh or not high quality;
- -If you or the receiver didn’t like the flowers, we will replace the bouquet for another one.
- -We deliver flowers within the shortest time: we will deliver your flowers within the period from 3 hours, in the countries of the far abroad – within the period from 24 hours;
- -If there are any changes in the bouquet or if it is impossible to deliver it, we will inform you in advance about that or notify recipient for alternate;
- -You can always change the data and the bouquet composition before we compose it.
- -You will get a unique and a very beautiful bouquet.
We value our reputation and make all possible to deliver you fresh and the most beautiful flowers: the specialists of our company follow that the conditions and delivery terms are kept, that the flowers are preserved by appropriate temperature, when flowers are delivered, our florists check them manually. And we verify the conditions of the flowers till they are delivered to the client – we check them when they are cut, and during all delivery time.